Forget everything you know about product management. It is now possible to make this seemingly hard and complicated subject simpler and enjoyable with AKINSOFT E-Commerce systems.
Products & Categories Management Features:
Create a broader category tree with unlimited number of category/sub category combinations.
Enter SEO link, meta title, meta keys, meta description and H tags.
Bring specific installment limitations for categories and products.
Activate foreign currency system and define prices in foreign currency for the products.
Format a good product description with HTML
Add image, link, YouTube link or iframe to product detail descriptions
No limit for adding image. Moreover, it supports 360-degree product view.
Bulk import products from Excel
Upload product images as a file
Edit some product information by using the quick edit feature.
Opportunity of bulk updating SEO links, prices or virtual market place of the products.
Define stock variants and create variant stocks automatically based on color/size matching
List the new products so that your visitors can search by the product features that you entered
Add user reviews and get feedback from the visitors.
Additional information entries for an easier on-site search.
Product-based discount rates and product-based fast shipping, free shipping, refundability and so on.
Get notified by getting a list of the products expected to drop in price and to be back in stock.
Information about the products in demand can be provided by taking a list of products that are expected to fall prices and enter stock.